Which Would You Choose?

My System

NAD M12 Preamp with HDMI/BluOs modules

Parasound Halo JC5 Amp

Arcam DV79 DVD/CD

Sonus Faber Olympica III speakers

Sunfire HRS 10 subs X 2

Audioquest NRG Z2 power cords

Silnote Morpheus Reference Series II XLR

Audioquest Pearl 48 HDMI cables

Audioquest Greyhound sub cables

Aircom S8 cooling unit for amp

Monster Power HTS 3600 MKII

Mogami 2921 speaker wire/bi wired


You all know the desire to improve your sound. Thinking of switching amps again.

Rotel Michi S5


Music Fidelity M8s-500s



yep…. especially IF you get a nice monoblock pair with SHORT speaker cables… As noted the Quicksilvers can astound ….. 

Have fun, enjoy the music and the journey 

I own the Michi 8 mono blocks and couldn’t be happier. Read the Fremer review in one of the magazines. He compared it to his ($170,000/pair) darTZeel NHB-468s

Rotel Michi M8 monoblock power amplifier | Stereophile.com



I was being sarcastic. My entire system (one and only, I don't have a .kitchen, garage, den, outhouse, etc. #2 system) cost 5K.




Ha, you were waaay too subtle, went right over my head.  

My system is also modest and I love it. 

All good.


@jetter I guess it's in the eye of the reader, when I write/read 10K, it's obscene to me not subtle :)

But as you say it's about happiness and I am pleased with my sound too