There is no rational at all for me to put a price tag as you did for speakers diminishing returns threshold ...
It is a subjective threshold linked to each person audio history and needs ...
It is an objective threshold also related to the way each speakers is mechanically, electronically and acoustically embedded in a room ...
I will not speak about the huge transformation of any speakers when it is put under acoustic control; i can for example speak only about the vibration/resonance problem put under control ...
Doing so with vibrations control with any speakers will change timbre and imaging and soundstage and well done will transform most speakers completely ...Add to this the electrical noise/signal ratio control and the room acoustic and any relatively good speakers at relatively low price will rival or trail not so afar any costlier speakers especially those not well embedded as it is generally the case ...
Give me a straw and if i put it at the right location i will change a room or a speakers performance ... I did it ...Mechanical equalization exist too ...I use it right now ...Electronic equalization dont replace mechanical equalization nor the reverse ...
The pitch discourse of speakers sellers dont include the mechanical electrical and acoustical NECESSARY embeddings for ANY speakers to do his optimum S.Q. Consumers dont like to be informed that they must WORK, EXPERIMENT AND STUDY after buying ... 😊
Some speakers do better than others without any embeddings controls, that does not means that they dont need it ... And speakers well embedded reach way more easily the minimal acoustical satisfaction threshold ... It is why the diminishing returns point is way lower than most people think about ...
There is a point of diminishing returns with loudspeakers and I put it in the 40-50 thousand dollar range.