What is meant exactly by the description 'more musical'?

Once in awhile, I hear the term 'this amp is more musical' for some amps. To describe sound, I know there is 'imaging' and 'sound stage'. What exactly is meant by 'more musical' when used to describe amp?


The fact that a stradivarius sound is better than a cheap violin is a matter of design kowledge about sound experience first not a matter of taste ...

A good meal in any culinary culture is also a question of "informed design " more than a question about taste ... We can appreciate one tradition better than an another, this does not mean that good cooking is a matter of taste ...

People who focus on the gear "taste" forgot that the gear work not in isolation but in an environment and are  coupled to another pieces of gear ...

I will buy if i can Atmasphere design because he based them on psycho-acoustics facts not on his mere taste ...


some good replies below

my take on the term musical is when the presented music has a high degree of coherence, fluidity and balance top of bottom, with no particular aspect of the sound calling attention to itself, and thus, allowing a listener to just take in the performance -- and not be at all distracted by anything particularly exciting or bothersome sonically

in effect, what many/most of us who have been at this for a lifetime are looking for... an honest even handed window onto the musical performance we select

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