Phono Stage, Tonearm, Cartridge Question - Which is the most important?

I’ve been on this site for some time and have always been impressed with the amount of knowledge here.  I am a music lover to the core and I really enjoy the end result of high-end audio.  Over the past 3-4 years I have significantly upgraded my system based on advice here and from professional retailers. I have no technical skills or background but would say I have graduated from “I don’t know what I don’t know” to “I know what I don’t know” with what I don’t know being quite a lot.  I am, however, intellectually curious and eager to understand how things work.

With that background, my question is this. When considering the phono stage, tonearm and cartridge chain, which component is the most significant determinant of how a record sounds? I know everyone has different views about how something should sound but which of the three components has the greatest impact on how something will sound and why?

Thanks and Happy Thanksgiving!





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Well, let’s see after about fifty years owning turntables… probably six or seven. I am not a churner. My rule of thumb is spend equally on the turntable as the phonostage. So given a good tt… then the phono stage is number one. Typically I will spend more on a tt than a cartridge and arm, so the tt second. Then cartridge and arm about the same.


So Phono stage, turntable and finally the tone arm and cartridge. Obviously there is a lot of wiggle room. They all must be compatible and of the kind that sound like you want.

Let me check my thinking: is it the opposite of what Jason Borne recommended? Yes, check. So that is my answer. PS, TT then equally arm and cartridge… very generally.


To me,  of the three, that cartridge is by far the most important, then I'd give the edge the tonearm then phono.

@mulveling I am in total agreement. Especially that, I would guess, 90% of turntables come with a tonearm which really can not be replaced with a different one.

ghdprentice and any others, The question was to rank TT, tonearm, and Cartridge in order of importance for max SQ.  And I find myself agreeing with Jason Bourne.

Thanks for these responses. 

@lewm Sorry for the repetitive thread. As far as your last post is concern, my question wasn’t to rank the three components. The question was which of the three has the most impact on the sound of your system.