understand and your comments duly noted. A question and a comment. If there were a 13,000 dollar Chord processing preamp utilizing its proprietary 104 bit processor, would its EQ sound better than what you’re using? Phrased differently, how does Chord s 104 bit algorithm compare to floating point 64 bit in similarly priced similarly powered systems, if it existed? Isn’t 104 better than 64, or is programming a digital EQ not that simple? (That’s all one question, really). Comment: headphones DO NOT sound as natural timbre wise as loudspeakers. You are right. But like anything else, if you work hard enough at finding it, a very rare few do. My HEKse is known in head fi circles to be one of the five or so best opened backs on the planet. Trust me it comes close to loudspeakers. Lastly careful with slightly disrespectful comments which are simply unproven such as headphone enthusiasts tend to have lower fi loudspeaker systems. That is uncalled for, I think.
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
Just curious to hear everyone’s opinions on using an equalizer in a high end hi fi system. Was at work tonight and killing time and came across a Schitt Loki max $1500 Equalizer with some very good reviews. What are some of the pros / Benefits and cons in using one. Just curious. BTW. I’m talking about a top of the line. Hi end equalizer. Mostly to calm some high frequencies and some bad recordings.
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- 750 posts total
i stand to LEARN the most from you, by the way, as you are deep into the digital side of high end. As much or more as I am the analog side. And your equipment is top notch. So bear in mind while I call have called you out on your condescending nature at times, as Miro has, that I like you and want a healthy exchange of ideas and can learn a lot from you. I do think digital eventually can eclipse analog for the top octave one day. Your systems are top flight and maybe you know something I don’t. That’s why I’m always open minded. I also think even the greatest hi fi systems can benefit from EQ due to the aforementioned inherent flaws which are numerous as eloquently laid out by @mahgister. I feel once playing with hi fi gear that there’s more “bang for the buck “ exploring best EQ solutions as opposed to continually upgrading equipment in the chain. If I were very rich I’d do both. But I am not. |
It’s far and away the BEST EQ discussion forum ever. Avoiding the boring diatribe of audiophiles bashing EQ in general, one. And two, we have a resident expert on the digital side with @mijostyn and a resident expert on the analog side with Miro. |
EQ digital or analog is a tool among other tools ...No singular tool alone is the solution... The solution is complex and implicate all tools: room mechanical controls, speakers controls by analog and/or digital tools and the necessary revolutionary BACCH filters too which can regulate for the best the relation between speakers/room and ears/brain ... No tool replace the other tools ... For the time being there is no audio A.I. It will come soon anyway ...
Agreed @mahgister |
- 750 posts total