The Intricate Dance: Loudspeakers, Human Hearing, and Room Acoustics

This presentation by Dennis Foley seems to raise the classic conundrum between room, equipment, and our hearing. One is a gross macro change maker (the room and equipment mix), and the other is a variable mood-affected, sensitive, and variable-listening instrument pair...

What's your take? Are the science and the challenges obvious? Is this informative?



Thanks for the reference to Foley ...

Any audiophiles must be interested to this if not  more at least  BEFORE reading  the user manual of any upgrade ...😁

I know Foley is selling a product, and his views are not shared by all.  Having said that, I've always enjoyed his short presentations and feel there are lots of good take aways in his presentations.  Would I build an entire room based on quadratic diffusers?  Probably not, but I could see them as part of the final treatment.  As for the mood/emotional component to how our systems sound, I am in total agreement there.  Spark up a fatty and tell me you don't connect on a different level.  IMHO

Foley is a seller but he know about acoustics too ...

Dont buy all he said about his products  but make search around his propositions ...

This is the way ...

The best source is universities research papers ...