@mahler123 @lalitk
I did compare Roon to other apps and found it lacking in sound quality. Not vastly, but it was definitely there. Regarding sound quality of IR, Jazz24 has two streams, one is MP3, the other is redbook. This is my primary music source from IR.
Regarding having a Mac or Lose as a source, nope. Talk about poor sound quality....
I2S is not a me-too add-on for PS Audio. If I am not mistaken they are the original proponents. Regarding compatibility, did you notice that both my DAC and this new streamer are from the same manufacturer? I think it is pretty unlikely that there is a compatibility issue here. In fact that is the only reason I am giving this streamer a try.
Jerry, I2S is central to the PS Audio digital gear. I’m giving it a try. If it doesn’t cut the mustard it is going back. But I do love the DSD Mk2 DAC. I have been using USB from my Lumin to my Mk2 DAC, and it sounds very good. I want to see if I2S to I2S is an improvement.