Equalizer in a Hi Fi system

Just curious to hear everyone’s opinions on using an equalizer in a high end hi fi system. Was at work tonight and killing time and came across a Schitt Loki max $1500 Equalizer with some very good reviews. What are some of the pros / Benefits and cons in using one. Just curious. BTW. I’m talking about a top of the line. Hi end equalizer. Mostly to calm some high frequencies and some bad recordings. 

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xtattooedtrackman


I do not use the term room tuning. The most significant part of acoustic management is designing the room specifically for sound reproduction then you touch up with treatments as needed. The only acoustic treatment I use in my room which was designed for sound reproduction is 3 floor to ceiling rows of 4" acoustic tiles behind both loudspeakers.

The fact that you use or did not use the expression "room tuning" will not change the fact that passive material treatment are not to be confused with Helmholtz resonators grid tuned for the needs of a specific system/room/ears ... It could be professionnally integrated in the walls by a pro acoustician or by anyone at low cost for his needs...it is room tuning in the two case ... This is a word necessary to distinguish absorbing-reflective-diffusing panels of various materials from mechanically tunable devices as are the resonators who can modify the pressure zones distribution in the room if well located ...

Then room tuning exist in architecture too ...It can also inspire some homemade music lovers as me to experiment with it to learn acoustics with his own ears... This is what Helmholtz did with his ears and the correlated computations of parameters and his ears/brain perceptive experience ... It is called Helmhotz theory of hearing Egyptian priest were masters in this room tuning ...

Then room tuning exist...

The quality of music reproduction is not subjective.

The quality of music experience must be also subjective and not only determined by objective parameters ... Guess why ? Without human brain/ears with a heart there is no perceived qualities only a statistical chaos at best ... The word "qualia" refer to subject not to a dead object ...

We may have different ways of trying to describe the experience and there is considerable variation to the live experience, so it is a moving target.

Here you confuse a moving target with a moving hunter... Because the acoustic target is there and not moving because it is defined by all parameters in acoustic and psycho-acoustics... Even if two maestro dont have the same subjective musical experience they generally most of the times agree about what is musical in acoustic experience ...They differ not by so much...The same is true for acoustician who can agree about the best sonic space , or recording engineers accord about what his a good recorded playback ...

Gear obseesed people call the goal a frustrating moving target by ignorance , musicians and acousticians called " the hunter" moving toward a standing target : a training session for his ears ...

The best test for imaging is the string quartet. Attend a live one to get a reference. Then play any one of the Luigi Cherubini string quartets performed by the Melos Quartett Stuttgart. Nr 1 in Es-dur is my favorite. If you can close your eyes and feel as if you are at a live performance you have a great system.

I agree with that...

And i am happy to say that with Beethoven quartet by Talich for example the imaging is pin point but with a soundstage out of my head as if i was listening speakers ... My headphone modified and optimized are the AKG K340 ... An hybrid never replicated about which Kennerton representative said to me that it will cost too much to make one with a good profit margin because of the complexity of the design and the cost of this research ... They thought about it and renounced ... This does not means that an hybrid will not exist someday...

But myself i guess that with BACCH filters and any top magneplanar or dynamic headphone or a top electrostatic we can create a soundfield out of the head very easily at no further costs and better ... Then there is a strong probability that a new AKG K340 will never be born again ... It will not be necessary ...The Choueiri DSP will create in a much precise better way the same out of the head impression.. but for now it is my reference 100 bucks system with my 300 bucks Sansui alpha ...

@jtcf , happy to be of help. Word of caution on Charter Oak. I have a lot to say about older generation CO vs newer ones made in CA. The Deming era ones are better sounding. I’ve had both in my rig. I returned a new CA made Charter Oak to get an older gen one used from Austria on Reverb. There is still one used one with the right age serial number on Reverb but its volume pots are now detented/modded. Deming himself told me he’s not sure that one’s a good one. Otherwise you’re buying new and not the same. I wish Mike still made them but he doesn’t. It’s worth your while to go back and read earlier in this thread everything that @mirolab and myself said about this piece. If I were buying right now, I’d trust Mirolab’s judgement and buy the Vintage Audio Skyline piece. 


Studio gear is certainly not overbuilt as some home HiFi is. It is certainly more reasonably priced. I use commercial sound reinforcement amps to drive my subwoofers and I use a studio digital switcher with DAC and ADC capability. There is absolutely nothing special about studio gear and in many instances it is inferior to home equipment. This is particularly true of loudspeakers (monitors). The very best speakers are not studio monitors. That is not to say there are not some very good ones like the old LS3 5A. Put a subwoofer under the LS and cross at 100 hz and you will swear you are listening to Wilsons. I also would be willing to bet most studios are using digital equipment at this point. The analog stuff is being or has been phased out except in specialty studios dedicated to analog of which there are a few, not including MoFi😏


I assure you I have normal (nothing special) ears. I am a very careful, organized listener and certainly I do not use my nose to do that. As I said above, I have my own house curve. I wonder how I developed it. Must have done it with the third toe on the left.  I also do not wax poetic about analog equipment. I am not a romantic. 

tl and I agree that having EQ capability is an important asset. We go about it differently. That is why Howard Johnson's made 28 flavors.

We are so different that i am sure we will learn from one another in person...😊

Then dont take my passionnate love for discussion too much personal...😁

Difference in thinking are a + if they are born from a common ground ( music ) toward a common goal (music )😉

By the way my first loves are : mathematics, poetry, linguistics and music... I just figure out lately how acoustics include them all in a unique way ...


I assure you I have normal (nothing special) ears. I am a very careful, organized listener and certainly I do not use my nose to do that. As I said above, I have my own house curve. I wonder how I developed it. Must have done it with the third toe on the left. I also do not wax poetic about analog equipment. I am not a romantic.

tl and I agree that having EQ capability is an important asset. We go about it differently. That is why Howard Johnson’s made 28 flavors.


@mijostyn appreciate your honesty in that you really haven’t tried what I’m talking about. Regarding playing around with various midrange frequencies I , again, prefer to adjust TONE, meaning bass and treble via the principles laid out in the Stereophile article about Levinson and his thoughts on playback EQ as well as the cello palette. I believe once you are with a good room and with high end gear and cabling that you don’t mess with the mids. So I don’t. I prefer to leave THAT to the sound engineers in production, as our gear far more likely to render flat (what artist intends us to hear is heard) in mids. Rolled off issues in treble though, I love to correct with my high end analog EQ. By the way, if one ever DID want to EQ in the mids or presence regions, good studio analog gear does it GREAT. the sound engineers who reviewed my CO online RAVED about how beautiful the 3 K dial sounds. In fact they raved that you can’t make the music sound bad with any dial adjustments on CO. I actually do often dial in a touch of mids on the 1-2 k some. 
listen…@mijostyn…I respect you and your experience and your approach. I bet you’re great at dialing it in digitally. We all have different sound preferences too. Please respect my approach and thoughts. I am a huge advocate of high end treble augmentation when needed (record dependent), and quite honestly I consider myself to have struck gold here with certain analog pieces. And Miro has commented on said analog air band and its beauty as well. Just please don’t make assumptions about gear you’re not that familiar with. I’m careful not do that with you.  Indeed, because I love this hobby so much, I’ll likely get my hands on a DEQX and really learn how it sounds and what it’s good and not so good at so I can be more experienced.