OP writes:
(A) There are preferences and subjective elements and there is also objectivity
(B) Why would you go with those SSs instead of tubes, practical considerations aside ? They would never give you the midrange that those valve amplifiers would?
I'm not sure whats being argued here in (A) with the reference to objectivity. The fallacious argument from authority statement in (B) appears to be implying that this completely subjective statement is objective. But perhaps I'm misinterpreting.
Anyway, the term reference in a hi fi context is meaningless. It would appear from the post above that the OP sees "reference" as the best available. If that is the case then there are legions of solid state amplifiers which qualify including Pass XS, MBL, Constellation etc, etc. The "why would anyone go with those SSs instead of tubes? conjures up the old Monty Python "what have the Romans ever done for us?" sketch - power output, dynamic range, S/N level, damping factor - and consistency where the sound doesn't change when you replace the output devices, are a few things that come to mind.