Hi @wsrrsw , Once installed and up and running, I have not removed the SwitchX and WifiX. I do not have the VideoX. To my ears, the SwithX sounds better than my M12 Gold with fancy power supply. I have these components on demo from Bill at GTT.
Three things going on with the SwitchX:
1) Djitterit Power Supply filters DC output to switch.
2) Modem in Switch X creates Audio only 'Clean Side" of your in home network to keep all other noisy things like cell phones, TV's, security systems, Alexa etc. from constantly bombarding the audio signals with noise.
3) The usual good switch stuff.
Wifi X is added to have clean wifi to only control your music (Roon remote or any app based music play software).
I will change back to the M12 soon for comparison. Likely my M12 Gold and its power supply will be available!
Up until the SwitchX, the M12 Gold (with good power supply) was the best switch I had ever heard.
There are many audiophile switches now; but the SwitchX is the only one I know of that has an internal modem to create a clean side of your network. Others offer separate router to do this (Taiko) for much more $. Pretty though!