@mijostyn wrote:
Small speakers only sound small because of no low bass and visual considerations.
I have set up, lord knows, maybe 10 LS3 5A systems with two subwoofers crossed at 100 Hz. I always put the speakers up on stands in positions people would normally use for towers. Close your eyes and they sound as big as any Wilson or Magico.
Our vision and eyes are intimately connected. Our eyes and ears have to agree on our position in space or you get vertigo and sea sick. Our brains are also very suggestible. You tend to hear what you see which is why I always close my eyes when evaluating a system.
The LS3 5A's are lovely speakers in their own right, but they're also hideously inefficient and will have to be used within their confinements. High-passing them of course will help adding more headroom.
With regard to perceived sonic size, yes, a pair of subs will also help. As such (not least high-passed @100Hz) they could really be regarded as 3-way speakers with a 4 1/2" midrange/upper bass driver.
I'll still maintain though that as a standalone speaker the LS3 5A's aren't big sounding in my book (eyes closed and all), even disregarding my own speaker context at the opposite end of the size scale.