Four hours listening tonight with the Yeti 1500, part of it while plugged into the wall and part of it totally free and disconnected. I’ll need to listen more to get a firmer handle on everything but the early report is that this is doing good things Pretty sure it sounds a smidge clearer/more open with the power cord disconnected from the unit as opposed to it charging and playing at the same time. Will need more time to confirm, just something I noticed.
Everything seems to have more space around it, making it a bit easier to follow things, but there’s more to it than just that. Decay on piano notes is really something, notes just kind of hang for that extra little bit making it easier to get lost in the song. This is the most distinct instruments have sounded from one another that I’ve heard in my system.
At no point have the fans in the Yeti turned on, at least to my knowledge.
Very excited to keep listening to see what else reveals itself!