I must say I agree with @mahgister in an important way, acoustics is missing in so many audiophiles rooms that are very serious about playback it's sad.
The point of this thread is very simple - if you were serious about playback you would .... answer:
Reproduce a studio mixing room. Mixing studios all over the world mix music after it is recorded they take many tracks of individual instruments vocals effects and mix them together to create the musicians and producers vision for the music. In the professional world you build the best room you have money for and you use monitors and equipment that any experienced professional mixer can use when he or she sits down at the desk. If you use boutique non mainstream equipment the mixer will not know how to use it or trust the mix and the producer will pay more money and that studio will go under.
If you as an audiophile have better equipment than the studio uses you must ask yourself why? None of the extra musicality you get from the 50k DAC is heard at a typical mixing session that extra information you are getting is not used or mixed or a part of the music that you are supposed to have.
Having musicians play for you is not a good idea because you aren't able to mix and change the sounds in the same way the studio can, unless you are listening to an acoustic trio or quartet with no effects live musicians also won't sound as good as a well mixed group on your high quality playback system because your seat won't be as good as the microphones placement (very important) in light of the acoustics of the room, the dynamics of the instrument, the reflections of the room the loudness of the instruments and many times the quality of the musicians and their different individual talent levels.