what speaker new or used for 5k?

Looking to upgrade my speakers right now I Have the Vienna Acoustics Mosart Grands. Equipment is the Parasound a21 amp p5 pre amp and Marantz sa8001 sacd and two REL t9 subs. Mosaic speaker cable and Interconnects, in a 16 x 20 room with 7ft drop ceilings.
That's a tough one -there are so many good speakers in this range.
-Revel F208
-Bryston middle T
-Golden Ear Triton 1
-Thiel TT 1

I found the Thiel 2.4 SE at a great price (new) and find these amazing. They throw the biggest sound stage I've ever heard (assuming it's on the recording) and are very coherent.

The Thiel 2.7 looks interesting as well.

last I heard you added the subs and did room treatments and had teh original Vienna's and the newer Wavetouch.

What aspects of teh sound are still lacking? MAybe its not the room or speakers at this point? Just wondering. There is more to getting teh right sound than speakers and room, though getting those under control at least is a needed first step before further tweaking.
Without knowing what specifically you're looking to improve upon it's not possible to make a good recommendation IMO. I will say in that price range I'd look at Joseph Audio Pulsar, Vandersteen Treo/Quatro, and Reference 3a Grand Veena. I'd guess any of those could yield improvements in overall resolution, imaging, and soundstaging if any of those areas are of importance to you. Best of luck.
The VA's are just a little too laid back and congested, I have added the Mosaic speaker cable and interconnects which made a big difference with the sound. The WT is a great sounding speaker but just a bit bright and a little thin for my taste, but I think I'll use those for a different setup. I have been really looking into Intuitive Design gamma summits, I have heard the bigger brothers to the summits and the sound is breathtaking!