As sure as some cables change the sound qualia as perceived by some brain , it is sure also as in the case of some power conditioner , they can degrade the quality of sound or improve it for some amplifier or some system choices and not from other ...
My own power conditioner for example is not so useful with the Sansui alpha , it degrade the sound but is useful for my other low cost system , it improve the sound ...
For some higher cost power conditioner or power cable , i partake the opinion of carlbads2 as i already said , they can make a difference or not , it is system dependant as he explained well above ...
Now this thread for sure will degrade in a battle between subjectivist who knows quality exist for the ears as a subjective experience of the gear and those objectivist who claim they dont exist if it is not measurable electrically with tools ... The ears being for them an illusionist not a real tool...
I am neither a subjectivist nor a subjectivist ... Then i dont refute subjectivist claims about the power cord because i know by my ears that it is possible to affect the sound positively or not at all with a power cord ...
In the same way, i know as objectivist claim , that the quality of the design is not merely only grounded in human subjective taste , but as they claim must be grounded on some electrical measures as such , but certainly it is not always such and it is not always enough as rightfully claim subjectivists, and it is my opinion , they are grounded also in psycho-acoustics measures ...
I am neither a subjectivist nor an objectivist ... Why ? Because i studied, read about sounds and perceptions , and i experimented ...I am not a fetichist of the mere gear or of the mere electrical tool ...I believe first and last in the correlation between gear and tool and the acoustics context and the brain ...
«Truth dont invoke nor provoke and dont need a scapegoat and cannot be caricatured» Anonymus thinker 🧐