I have swapped out all my name brand high price cables with Nordost (KNOCK 0FF NAME, but not product) from Ali-Express. My first foray was to buy just a digital cable to compare to my 1.5M Pangea (MSRP $160), which had the same specs as the DH Labs 1.5M @ $240. Since the Ali-E was so inexpensive I decide to get both a 1.0 and 1.5 Odin RCA coax to compare: I much preferred the 1.0M, which was significantly better than the DHL/Pangea. FF a year to today and there is a Odin 2 Fever Grade version for $23.80 (yes $23,80) or a similar version @ $84.99 + free shipping or for $5 2 week delivery and money back. Nothing to lose. Im going to order the $85 one, which has more strands of ribbon