A blowing session????

I’m a pretty big jazz fan.I truly enjoy Bop and jazz from this era. Question, and perhaps this is not truly accurate/appropriate, is ----how much of this stuff is simply a ’blowin’ session from the artists who are playing the brass instruments, particularly the sax??

IOW, if you have heard one great blowing session, maybe you have heard them all?


Listening to ’Trane, Miles, Parlan, Vick,et al, what are your thoughts?


@charles1dad  I totally agree that each musician has their own interpretation and style. No question. Not really what I was getting at in my OP though. More along the lines of the overall impression that one gets with listening to the genre. So, is this stye of jazz primarily alined with the type of 'blowing session' that we witness with so many of these albums? Not saying it is a bad thing, on the contrary, it can be very interesting to listen to, and as you point out, each artist has their take on the music. Just that it is a continual theme that perhaps someone who does not listen to too much bop should be aware of, particularly with all of the new re-issues that are now coming to ( and have been on) the market.


My apologies. It seems that I misinterpreted your intention and context.


It is why i prefer over any jazz playing , the more melodically inspired ... It is way more difficult to play minimally and meaningfully melodically than blowing hard and long at all winds at great speed so impressive it can be and it is in an improvised session or in a planified one nevermind  ... It is also why really good free jazz exist, but is very rare ...

The greatest say much with less in an improvised way or not  ...


There used to be many jazz album review books, that were good at identifying a blowing session from a well rehearsed album...after a while you could almost tell by looking at the group of sidemen...