It seems like when I see comments on high end gear there is a lot of negativity. I have been an audiophile for the last 20 years. Honestly, if you know how to choose gear and match gear a lot of the high end gear is just better. When it comes to price people can charge what they want for what they create. If you don’t want it. Don’t pay for it. Look if you are blessed to afford the best bear and you can get it. It can be very sonically pleasing. Then do it. Now if you are also smart and knowledgeable you can get high end sound at mid-fi prices then do it. It’s the beauty of our our hobby. To build a system that competes with the better more expensive sounding systems out there. THOUGHTS?


@scottwheel let it go. Time to move on. The rest of us are willing to trust  our own ears and not yours move on”

Is it your ears you trust or your eyes? I’ll move on when you drop the cliche excuses and ad hominem arguments. Keep doing it and I’ll keep calling you on it. 

Anybody knowing how to design a room know that seeing the room as we want it done so beautiful it is ,will not improve acoustic...😊

I am not in a contest where the look of a beautiful piece of gear can influence the impression some people ask me to write in front of a veil masking the gear ...

I just returned a piece of gear supposed to be better costlier and more beautiful than my vintage not so beautiful amplifier... i paid it the same price than all my system and i loose 300 bucks returning it ... I returned the upgrade because all acoustic factors were worst save the electrical noise floor which was better with a tremendous power supply ( synergy problem probably ) Did i needed a double blind test to mask the more advanced new technology piece and the more beautiful and the costlier one or the opposite ? No ...😊 I was biased in favor of this upgrade though ...I decided listening few minutes for my vintage piece ... I trusted my ears ...

What has a meaning statistically as a useful tool  is preposterous when applied for one person system optimization especially when this optimization process is incremental in a very well known specific environment ...I used informal blind test for sure in my system optimization as a tool not as a debunking practice circus ...

You think like an ideologue who sell a salad with a hidden goal ... Throwing a gauntlet to all people here with a statistical tool ( blind test) which you used as a debunking tool is propaganda ...

James Randi acted the same to prove that no " miracles" exist... The poor dude never looked too hard...there is even books written about hundred miracles right now no science can explain ...

Nothing is more easy than to exhibit "miracles" around the world...

Some are not provable but many are proved even by science ...James Randi at least was a showman not only an ideologist ...

The same materialism and transhumanist today debunk the "existence of free will " ... Without even realizing the complete contradiction implied by the free will intention of doing such debunking of the free will existence ... Sam Harris did not know better , he conflate free will thinking with free choices and no choice ... What a deep thinker indeed ...😊

Some are more gullible than me ...


Is it your ears you trust or your eyes?


Actually Toole and Olive essentially did exactly the same test using speakers. And they published the entire experiment in the peer reviewed AESJ. This is a very common method used in many clinical studies. So is that a sad commentary on how science does research on human perception?

Did you hit your head recently? The procedure I mentioned was done in an appropriate way whereas the one I addressed was not. That, and Barton was part of the team you mentioned, which may explain your misunderstanding. 

All the best,


Since this has become a toilet thread, I think your trigger of audio asylum days is technically referred to as a "flushback."