The aural memory and the attention focus are heavily contextual dependant ...
Out of my own acoustic created environment i know for sure that i am more prone to be confused ...Even stress modify the results ..
It is why blind test has a meaning statistically but not so much in an artificial setting in an individual case ... And observe that the room acoustic of someone is not the acoustic theater where the test is done doubly blinded ruled by other people .. And our acoustic perception are acoustic dependent by a trained habit somewhere where there is our familiar specific acoustics conditions ... The ears must not be uproot from his familiar life milieu and acoustic context ...
Evaluating the emotion behind a new spoken language , a new acoustic is impossible because of that... We do it easily trained in our own speech ..
I am sure i could fail to pass some blind test in a new acoustic environtment i had pass in my environment where all is familiar, under my control because i designed it ...I am sure of that ...
Anyway i know nothing about this Mike blindtest on Asylum and i am not interested by double blind test anyway ... The only blind test that interested me are those i did in my environment ,simply blind, and in a relaxed mode not as a debunking tool but as a tool to improve my optimization process one step at a time and it worked well ...
I am not against blind test, i am against the way some people use them for an ideological goal ...
Including Mike’s concession that he could not distinguish between his turntable and a digital copy.