Attention Thiel CS3.7 owners

I am searching for the right amp for these speakers and was hoping to hear from as many 3.7 owners as possible regarding what amp you are using, why you like it and which ones you have not liked. Thanks in advance for your help with my quest..

Congratulations Vhiner!

Feels so good to arrive at a decision with all that excitement and no regrets, doesn't it?

Wish I could hear your system, it "sounds" wonderful.

Enjoy your Teflon-induced aural bliss. These are the moments we live for as audio nut cases! Well, I do anyway.

Thanks, Alon! This *is* one of those moments that make it all worthwhile.
One interesting thing I forgot to mention was a very intriguing discovery I
made during this whole process that might be of interest to those who are
looking for a "giant killer" amplifier.

A friend of mine loaned me his Hafler 500 which had been modified by
John Hillig of Musical Concepts. This amplifier, which retails for well under
$2500 came in second to the 350! It has a midrange to die for and it lent an
incredible musicality to everything I threw at it. It won't win a beauty contest
(the exterior looks like an army foot locker) but I would have started looking
for one to buy if the 350 had not swept me off of my feet.

For those who have $10k tastes but are on a $2000 budget, I recommend
contacting John at Musical Concepts. His gear is truly magical. If you find
one of his modified amplifiers, I'd snap it up.

I'm most likely the only one on this forum who has demoed up to 53k worth of SS amps on Thiel CS 3.7s.

None of them are able to outperform a VAC Master preamp paired with Jadis Monoblocks on this particular Thiel model.

All demoes are done at my home, not at dealer's or at shows.



...also listen to Ayre electronics .....they walk in perfect balance between tube and transistor....also, great company