It seems like when I see comments on high end gear there is a lot of negativity. I have been an audiophile for the last 20 years. Honestly, if you know how to choose gear and match gear a lot of the high end gear is just better. When it comes to price people can charge what they want for what they create. If you don’t want it. Don’t pay for it. Look if you are blessed to afford the best bear and you can get it. It can be very sonically pleasing. Then do it. Now if you are also smart and knowledgeable you can get high end sound at mid-fi prices then do it. It’s the beauty of our our hobby. To build a system that competes with the better more expensive sounding systems out there. THOUGHTS?



I think it is perfect comparison, it is the same category of not being utilitarian.

@mahgister "scottwheel is right about that, he never explicitly claim the above criticisms of audiophiles"

It has been done implicitly.

It is precisely what my post suggested if you read it ... His idea about sound qualities came from scientism not from science ... And using double blind set as  a Procustean bed to do it make of him an indisclosed objectivist ... 😁

It is truly amazing how many of you think you can speak for me and what *I* believe about things that have never been mentioned. 

Post removed 

You clearly said that double blind test is the only way to accept any hearing experience as valid...

I claim that any audiophiles in an incremental process of tuning his system with electrical,mechanical or material and acoustical devices use or must use simple blind test as part of his audio system optimization ...

There is no claim of universal validy if i claim that my experience suggest that cable X in my system Y in a room Z for my ears make some qualitative change ...

There is only a claim of a change in me and for me in some specific complex set of electrical,mechanical and acoustical conditions impossible to repeat probably in some other conditions and for some other ears , thats all ...

Using this audiophile claim of personal experience , right or wrong , to discredit any speech about any experience , save one validated by double blind test is not science it is debunking strategy about marketing of some cables , or debunking strategy against someone claim ...

Objectivist are deluded by gear properties as much as subjectivists are because replacing ears subjectivity by electrical tools specs is as deceptive ...

Psycho-acoustics concept and experiments rules the gear and the tool, not the reverse ...

Then debunking a claim is not so simplistic as using a double blind test ... Especially if someone knows the difficulties related to the complex protocol behind it ...And even with this protocol applied, we cannot debunk someone claims generally ...Double blind test work statistically not so much in individual case ...

In any incremental optimizing work as listener in his room , it is enough to do simple repeated blind test in my experience ...I did them as any designer do also ...I dont need double blind test to know what work for me and what did not work ...

And i dont need to sell anything as an audio company does... Audio company can use double blind test as marketing ploy ... I dont need that test, i just need to listen to the "new" device they sell after their test to evaluate the level of change and the degree of change in relation to his price in my own system with his one peculiarities and needs ... If the change is illusory i dont think they will make much money ... Audio company make money with the look of the gear, and publicity and sometimes a good design well evaluated for his price or overcharged ... Dont need a double blind test to guess that before buying ...

Forgot double blind test and buy psycho-acoustics books and books about hearing and make some simple experiments ...Dont conflate acoustic experience with a limited set of electrical measured specs as some deluded objectivists do ...


«Measures dont say all the truth, because all measures, known and unknown, are not equals»--Anonymus designer

«Is the form of the universe a one side surface or a two side surface ?»-- Anonymus cosmologist


It is truly amazing how many of you think you can speak for me and what *I* believe about things that have never been mentioned.