CD has laid back and uninvolving sound

Hi folks, yesterday I listened again to vinyl. I conducted also a comparison between vinyl and CD. The most peculiar thing with CD is that the sound seems to be more laid back, distant and uninvolving. With vinyl the sound has more bloom, is less laid back and has more PRaT. To me this laid back and distant sonic character of CD is the most significant finding and bothers me quite a lot. How can I improve this? Btw, my digital front end: MBL 1621 transport + Accustic Arts Tube DAC. Would Wadia DAC (the old Wadia 9 or another classic Wadia) be better in rendering a more upfront and engaging sound (more PRaT)?


As is often the case, I think you are on to something.

I've found that when I record vinyl albums to CD, the the CD sounds almost identical to the original album and nothing like the commercial CD copies I compare with.

I do not think I can tell that my albums recorded to CD when played back are in fact CDs and not the original vinyl.

How is that possible if CD format is so inferior to vinyl? I think the answer is that it is not. More likely the musical ingredients that go into the CD mastering is different from that that went into the vinyl.

If the capacity or resolution of CD is indeed inferior to the vinyl, there is no way that a CDR of vinyl will sound the same as vinyl. I think you have just proved the exact opposite.
TJ, with all due respect, I think the tube issue with the AA Tube DAC is an important point that needs to be addressed, however you shouldn't overemphasize it either. To be honest, I'm not going to change any tube --> too much hassle for me. I like a unit that is just "plug and play" and not one that has to be tweaked first before it sounds good. As mentioned ealier, I'm gonna try the JMF Audio DXC2.2 DAC soon and I will report the findings.
Btw, the DXC2.2 DAC is similar to the Rey Audio DAC from Japan.

"If the capacity or resolution of CD is indeed inferior to the vinyl, there is no way that a CDR of vinyl will sound the same as vinyl. I think you have just proved the exact opposite."

I haven't proven anything...just stating an observation.

The sampling frequency or resolution of CD is beyond the range of human hearing.

There is no equivalent measurable resolution with analog that can be compared apples and apples as far as I know. It's a completely different beast.
I'm pleased to know you do have a decent vinyl playback.
I fully understand wanting more out of one's CD collection (Metrella).
For my money, I'd just accept CD for what it is- limited, IMO.
A bird in the hand (LP) is worth 10 in the bush.