Estate sale Fuselier speakers for $370 but I know nothing about them.

So I found these four Fuselier speakers for $370 at an estate sale. They look amazing and from everything I've seen around this forum the creator seemed to know what he was doing.  But I'm just getting into this hobby and I've come across these and I have no clue as to whether they are any good or whether they even work. Any thoughts on how I should proceed or steps I should take? Or should I just buy them and hope for the best? 


Here is a photo of them: 


Thanks so much.  


No apology needed. Now I believe I have your situation figured.

You use a TT and a streamer into your Kenwood, taking advantage of the phonostage and line level preamp while bypassing the internal amplifier. The Kenwood is connected via the variable output (pre out) to the Rotel amp. 

The Rotel amp has volume for matching to different preamps. Do you have the volume full out?  I am trying to figure why you are only getting 65dB output.

Yes, the volume with the kenwood is turned up all the way when using a TT or tuner. Also when I am using BT through the eskinsin. I have also tried using the eskinsin directly into the amp, and it does get 3 dB louder, but still caps out there as well.

(sorry for the late response I just now have hobby time again)

I was asking about the volume controls on back of the Rotel amplifier. 



Yes, mesch has a good question. Make sure the level controls, on the rear of the Rotel flanking the RCA plugs are turned up all the way.

The level controls are turned up to the maximum. They can be turned and the volume can go down, but they cannot be turned to make the volume go up. They are at their maximum.