1st Post, alrighty then,
You have clues not to buy from that seller. I simply do not like giving money to someone I don’t trust or like. IF unique, well, how to get it?
I suggest you offer to pay the extra (3%?) for the PayPal Goods and Services fee.
AND, If seller buys insurance on your behalf (again, you pay), be aware, the insurance is in seller’s name, you have to take damaged item to agent’s local office, they have to agree damaged, then seller has to make the claim, be successful, then give you the refund.
USP Pack and Ship
One option for anything, (and if you buy from someone like this) is to use UPS Pack and Ship. I’ve used it a few times successfully. You do not pay seller any shipping cost.
Using seller’s zip code, find UPS Pack and Ship store nearest him (all locations are not pack and ship). You get size and weight from the seller (or online search). You call UPS, get estimate for them to receive unboxed item(s), box, ship, they are responsible for any damage.
Next: seller simply drops unboxed item(s) at the designated UPS Pack and Ship near them , with your name on it. You pay UPS directly, all is in your name. Seller walks away. Note: you want many prior photos showing condition of item(s).
UPS gives you final cost, a bit less or a bit more than the estimate based on their own weight/size measurements.
NOTE: for anything ’local pick up only’, this can be a way to get something, seller just drops it off for you. I’ve done that also, except one stubborn coot in Canada. (UPS Canada has Pack and Ship to USA)