I am looking to upgrade - looking for advice

So I am the guy who recently asked if a Rotel 1572 preamp would work with a Parasound A21+ amp. So I was asking because I was thinking of upgrading my current amp which is a Rotel 1552. The rest of my system is Yamaha CD player and project turntable (both approx $400 each), Bluesound Node, and B&W 705 S2 speakers. Right now I primarily stream my music through the node. So I was interested in the next step to improvement and I thought it would be what the amplifier. After reading some of the posts on my original question (would the A21 work well with my Rotel preamp I am now thinking that I need to look at both the preamp and amp. Of course that is you agree with my assessment. Here are a few of the amps I was looking at: A21, Vincent  SP-332, and Bryson 3b3. The preamps that were suggested all look outstanding: Benchmark LA4, Backert Labs Rhumba 1.3 and the Audionet Pre 1 G3. It looks like with these I would need to also get a DAC, not sure about the phono stage. Any advice is appreciated. I am knee to this.


you haven't specified a budget, but without spending a ton i'd go for a good integrated w/dac--the hegel and vincent suggestions above are good ones.

As previously mentioned, consider purchasing used equipment in exceptional condition. You can find high quality audio components on this site and US Audiomart. This approach may afford you the opportunity to upgrade your system beyond what you originally planned. Unfortunately, you will need to figure out which components meet or exceed your expectations before purchasing them online. Most individuals selling used equipment will not accept returns. You may also get lucky and find a local sale. The Music Room routinely receives used equipment and cycles through a lot of inventory. They test and certify every item. The only negative, their prices on used equipment tend to be higher. However, they usually accept returns. Just make sure you verify they will accept a return on the item you’re interested in purchasing. Take your time and don’t rush into anything before you know exactly what you want etc. 

IMHO, I think you would see a more significant improvement by upgrading to a really good dac. Then use the digital out on the Node. Then if you want to go further, get a linear power supply for the Node; you will be surprised at how much improvement that will make. I did that with my Node and am very happy that I did. I know that there are much more expensive, and probably better streamers out there, but most do not support the streaming services that I use (especially Idagio.) and 

I also had good results with what kmcong suggested, Node, power supply upgrade, tube DAC, good cables etc, details in my profile. Moot if you decided on the Hegel route.

Lot's of good advice here, but if you are wedded to vinyl get rid of the project TT. If not, go all in on digital. Really good analogue can be quite expensive.