Cleaning, polishing Speaker Cabinets ?

What's best to use for cleaning and polishing speaker cabinets? I've been using furniture polish with lemon seed oil. I just think there must be some other products that are better. What do you use and name some brands please? I have Egglestonworks isabellas with factory cabinet stands. Not getting results I would like with my grocery store furniture polish with lemon seed oil.

Fender Guitars markets several products designed to care for wooden musical instruments, making them excellent for speaker finishes. You can find them at most instrument stores like Guitar Center or Musicians Friend.

As important as the polish or cleaner you use is the applicator. Guitar shops also sell super soft microfiber cloths designed to work well on polished wood without leaving any swirl marks.

Yep, I second Tis49; Orange Oil on my Sonus Faber Walnut cabinets. Great results and requires absolutely no skill in the application.
If you have a high gloss finish over wood as mentioned above, a wood type cleaner won't be as effective as products that are used with polyester or catalyzed finishes. I have used a lot of products over the years on gloss type finishes. My new favorite is Optimum Instant Detailer & Gloss Enhancer (concentrate). Safe on finishes and removes finger prints and smears and leaves the surface slick. It doesn't contain any petroleum distillates. The type of cloth being used is very important. I only use the super soft microfiber cloths used for eyeglasses. The Auto Geek carries this product in the concentrate and is very economical.

For real wood finishes I use Woodley's crème furniture polish. It came with my Avalon Speakers.

Wow , these responses have been very helpful. I am going to try some of the products mentioned here. Will let you know effectiveness once I find and try them.