Vandersteen 5A to Carbons??

Anyone out there do the upgrade? If so, is the upgrade very obvious, or a minor improvement? ..or something in between.
Wife is from Wisc and heading out there today. Great state. Glad you got the Treo CT's..You will love them. I'm surprised he thinks the added subs are better, but I can understand that as you can position them anywhere. I was told by a few folks who should know that the Quatro CT's would still be better than adding the subs to the Treo's. Every system and room will be different. Bottom line is that you will be very very happy and that's all that counts. Where is your dealer from? Hope they are close and can set them up for you. Once you get them dialed in, your head should spin. The better my system gets, the better the speakers sound. I'm in amazement what that Ayre AX5/20 did. Please keep us in formed as you go through delivery, set up and break in.
Stringreen, I, like you, love my 5As, and, unlike you, have not been tempted to either upgrade or move up the line to 7s. I suspect there will be a difference if i were to upgrade (for more than $10,000), but, even though I could easily afford the cost, I have no desire to do this. I simply am very pleased with my stereo system, more than I have ever been in my (62.5 years of) life. Our systems are quite different, and no doubt they sound slightly different (I say slightly intentionally since I feel/believe that the loudspeaker transducer influences what we hear far more than any other component upstream of the deliver of the sound/music/magic), but different is not bad, its just different. Like froggy (not sure who will get that analogy, perhaps no one). There is always an upgrade path, always. For me, its irrelevant. I have arrived at where I wanted to go, and now enjoy music at home, and in person, far more than I ever did in years past.'



ps-before you moved west you agreed to allow me to hear your set-up, I didn't, but am grateful for your hospitality.
Ct. My dealer is from Milwaukee. Called Ultra Fidelis. About 250 miles south of Rhinelander where Iive. A gentleman named Jon Spelt owns/runs the place. He seems quite knowledgeable and is very patient and friendly. I'm not a pro, but I'm fairly good at setting up my speakers and am confident I can get the best out of them in my listening room. Been at this hobby about as long as you.i will probably have to make some ancillary changes too, mostly cables and interconnects. As this has been a given when I would make a speaker change. Have a new Rogue Pharaoh hybrid integrated amp. Was told this was a good match with Vandersteen. I now have somewhat limited funds for my hobby,as I'm nearing retirement and a wife with little humor when it comes to buying audio equipment. My dealer felt I had good "bang for the buck" components. I hope he's right. Lol.