For $2k you will not get hiend quality sound ,you may get a good older speaker but
any speaker over $10+ years old the Xover the capacitors start drying out
then detail and soundstage diminish as the Xover starts getting old.
I have been upgrading Xovers for over 20 years,and BTW ,most speakers
even $$ expensive brands many put in average parts at best rated 7-9, which I have a Big problem with I always end up upgrading the resistors and capacitors , inductors only if low quality. Check out- Humble homemade hifi capacitor test and see what your speakers have , resistors only 2-3 best MundorfUltra, or Path Audio ,then older Mills ,Ohmite gold . Ceramic , cement type are gritty and degrade purity of sound. Duelund cast are still the best rated around a 15 ,but Waay over priced and too big unless you have the $$ , there are others not far off for much less $$