Vandersteen 5A to Carbons??

Anyone out there do the upgrade? If so, is the upgrade very obvious, or a minor improvement? ..or something in between.
Restrained about what? It was a poorly worded ad and he explained. I thank him for doing so, but it was very misleading. AC should probably put someone else in charge of placing Agon ads.

What? Shakey, are you joking around or being serious? It's called an ad. Go speak with Johnny in his shop sometime and you'll understand he cares about you getting the sound YOU want. Are you saying that the speaker company has a poorly worded ad? If so, that's on them and not a dealer trying to sell used gear so he can make a living with sites like this biting into his bottom line. What part was misleading to you? I asked a few folks who aren' audiophiles what they thought the ad meant and they fully got it. The ONLY reason for ads is to get your name out and let folks know what they can get. Seems like AC surely did that doesn't it?

Shakey, have you ever run a dealership in audio or a business in general? I think it's funny that you are trying to make something out of nothing. In regards to John Rutan, there are hundreds of very happy customers and personally I've never heard one bad word about the guy and how he conducts himself as a business or a man! Love a bit of spice with my tea (Green tea with strawberries today). Tasting great as I listen to Slash kill it in Glastonbury 40. Loving my system and I have John to thank for the Vandersteen Treo's, Ayre AX5/Twenty, with AQ cables. Rock still lives in THIS house.....Back to loving our music!!!!! Enough with trying to discredit a simple ad by an honest business man and a GREAT human being......Richard V sure picks some great humans to share his wonderful products....

Johnny, thanks for the honestly of liking the 2c's best.
And so it goes.....right over your head.

Never mind, I see there is no way for you to get it.

Now back to our regularly scheduled love fest......

No Shakey, you aren't getting one over my head. it's not a love fest when you stick up for someone who deserves it now is it? What part is over my head? Your taking a shot at someone who didn't deserve it? Since everyone likes different things folks can say that 21 different speakers are BEST. That's why folks should listen to speakers to know what they want.

Your last post seems a bit condescending doesn't it? I FULLY get what you are trying to do as does everyone else, lol. It just doesn't fly, that's all. John was stand up enough to say what he meant and was honest as heck. Can't ask for more than that and that's why there is a 'love fest'. Honestly is greatly appreciated.

My true love is for my Vandersteen Treo's.