Add I2s to Oppo players?

Does anyone work on Oppo disk players? I would like a check up, works perfect now. I would like a I2s output added to go to my Denafrips VenusII. I do not like the china box to convert. 


My BrystonDAC3 has HDMI inputs and I output the Oppo 105 DSD from SACD into it

Denafrips told me not to do this, but I might try this, as I can do the same.

Thanks, I had been thinking about trying this.

Oppo seems to be geared toward HT, reading DVDs.  So 2 channel sound is probably a low priority.

I2S is mostly a fools errand in my opinion.

Is USB an option?

Maybe you just need a 2 channel CD transport.  My CD transport is 5x as costly as my HT DVD player.



You mentioned "I2S is mostly a fools errand in my opinion."

Can you explain further? I have had experiences where I2S was the best connection (by far) in both my current BS Node to Iris to Pontus set up, and the Jay's CDT-2 MKIII to Pontus. I can also see that a well constructed streamer or CD transport topology will reduce the need for an I2S connection.....because they do such a good job with their other topologyies.

I am NOT trying to say anything negative, but just curious what your experience has been

I2S is not a “fool’s errand,” and that’s just a stupid and uninformed thing to say.