TAD KT88 Redbase Valve's

Hi Guy's

I am going to change the valve's on my Primaluna Evo 400 power amp fromEL34's and fancy trying some KT 88's

Has anyone heard the TAD KT 88 red base valve, or better yet, both the TADs and the GL's, and can offer some comments/comparisons?


Many Thanks



Are you aware of losing the  EL34 mid/highs that the KT88 will not have?

The KT88 might be more dynamic/have more bass, but the EL34 magic will be gone-not in a bad way, just different.

KT77 will have more bass but retain the EL34 mids/highs.

Longtime PL user here. I have tried all, but use none of the above.

Hi tablejockey

Thanks for getting back, yes I am aware of not having the mid/highs on the KT88's , I will keep my EL34's but I fancy trying out the KT88's.

What tubes have you tried and liked in your Primaluna ? 

"What tubes have you tried and liked in your Primaluna ? "


PL HP user- over the years, I’ve settled for NOS 6l6G.

Note that it is NOT similar to the current, 6l6GC type.

6L6G type(pre 70’s) were a lower operating voltage tube.

A compromise of KT88 bass with a "close enough" EL34 mid/high’s

Still "reasonably" priced for a genuine NOS power tube.

Edit- "Genuine" NOS can be a dice roll relating to pedigree. Many listings are "pulls" disguised as NOS. I've had good luck with Brent Jesse. 

4528777-c43c7633-power-tubes-6l6g-6v6g-45-6l6ga-rca-sylvania-ge.jpg (1100×825)

Sophia Electric KT88

I have been using their A-selected blue bottle EL34's in my EVO 400 power amp and love them. I too was thinking of trying a set of their KT88's. Pricey though. They only recently started selling the EL 34's and KT88's again after supply chain problems.