“it’s like talking to someone you don’t know. Commenting on something you haven’t heard in an environment you never been in then saying there is not a difference.”
No Calvin, it’s not like that. It’s like informing someone who thinks they can see microwaves and x-rays that human vision is limited to red through violet wave lengths. It’s like telling someone who claims they can run 100 mph that no human can run faster than 23-25 mph. There is nothing extraordinary about your stereo or the stereos of other audiophiles or your hearing acuity or the hearing acuity of other audiophiles that is unknown, unresearched or magical. Human hearing thresholds are not mysterious unknown quantities. It’s also well known and documented that humans will tend to perceive differences where none exist when hearing the same thing with a time gap in between samples when listening for differences. That is normal for human beings. So it’s like telling you that you are a normal human being like the rest of us. And there is nothing uncivil about informing audiophiles about these realities. It’s actually very useful information.