Basic question about sensitivity

Obviously I am mistaken, and I am positive that this has been covered before,  but I had thought that the higher the number (sensitivity) the easier the speaker was to drive.  However, when I read a thread in which someone is talking about a speaker they have or are interested in, I frequently do a cursory search and a little bit of reading about it, and, for example, a while ago I read a review & specs on the Monitor Audio Gold 300 5G with a sensitivity rating of either 90 or 91 (which I would have thought at one time meant it was a pretty easy load to drive) but the recommended amp was 100 to 250 wpc.

On the other hand, I just did a search and some reading on the Harbeth P3ESR XD which has a sensitivity rating of 83 (which at one time I would have thought meant it was a tough load to drive) but they are recommending amps "from 15 wpc".

What is the number listed for a speakers sensitivity actually meaning?



@OP. I owned a pair of 805s for a number of years. Very nice loudspeakers and not difficult to drive. The newer 800 series - the floor stand speakers in particular - are a different kettle of fish entirely.

@yoyoyaya  , thanks, that's interesting (particularly since I am kicking around the idea of upgrading).

Given that my 805s are going on 30 yeras old, and taking in account for inflation and technology, how far do you think I'd need to go to make a significant upgrade?

@OP. Just speaking to your opening post. I think it would be well worth you while listening to a pair of P3 XDs. As you will gather from some of my posts on other threads, I'm not overly enamoured of the direction B&W have gone in voicing their recent speakers - and they are getting quite expensive. You might also want to listen to a pair of M30s or Spendor Classic 2/3s if you feel you need a bit more scale and bass extension. Lastly, though they are a bit polarising, I would listen to a pair of Kef LS 50 Metas, which are outstanding value for money. The foregoing comments are based on personal experience of all of those loudspeakers and of the current B&W range.

Try Tube Amp(s) now or some day?

That is why I recommend starting/auditioning higher sensitivity speakers, hopefully finding one you really want.

Also, avoid speakers whose impedance drops a lot from it's 'nominal' impedance rating, that will effect/limit the amps to ones that can properly handle low impedance.

Lower power needs lets you select amps/tube amp(s) that are smaller, less heat, more placement options, as well as being in a more competitive price category.

My friend is currently looking for a pair of 100 wpc tube mono blocks. Very limited, big, heavy, hot, big price

@yoyoyaya It's a very good point.  The Kef Reference 1 Meta is an excellent example.

I wish someone would loan me one of those, there is some truly wonky stuff going on in their crossover.