New speaker technology vs. Old speaker tech???

The following is an issue that many members may have encountered: that is, buying an old speaker (vintage 10-12 years old) vs buying a newer and more current technology created by better driver material and using for example a ribbon tweeter, vs traditional silk or aluminum tweeter.

A friend recently purchased a monitor made by Monitor Audio, GX-50 Gold series. which uses a ribbon tweeter. His other choice was a VonSchweikert VR-1, a two way small monitor hailed by many reviewer for its tight bass almost down to 40-45HZ.

I liked the Monitor Audio GX-50, but did not want to influence his final decision. However, the more I listened to them, they sounded somewhat bright and edgy on several "redbook" CD's. He liked VonSchweikert VR-1, they seemed to him more balanced and the bass had real punch. However, he opted for the MA's because he felt the newer technology overall would be more competitive in producing good and detailed sound

Like my friend, I have often get caught up by the technology of new speakers,and ignore what sounds better and satisfying regardless of the music The VR-1 are very good speakers, and usually don't last long on Audiogon when they come around for sale. However, sometimes a mystique emerges around a speaker because of its unexpected performance that elevates it beyond its spec.

Would like to get some input on this "dilemma", especially the reputation of Von Schweikert VR-1 for being "more than sum of its parts"

1) technology continuously improves. For example there are much stronger magnets available these days for use in speakers than ever before.

2) Good use of technology requires a good engineer. Technology alone does nothing.

3) People like different things so no one product will ever suit all best.
Agree with Mapman. The Monitor was also about twice the price of the VS. All that matters is the one you like best. Some members prefer mid 80's CD players.
Agree with statements above. Audio and Video is technology and gets better daily. Because audio 'quality' isn't something tangible for some people, it's an area where the unscrupulous can dive in and make their outrageous claims.
Audibility are somewhat fuzzy - they change from person to person, day to day, and for various reasons. Hearing isn't just about ears - our brain and what we see makes a huge difference to what we hear (or think we hear).
I vote for new speaker technology.