Have we lost civility and respect on Audio forums?

I think we have.  I have seen many discussion on audio forums and how nasty they can become when you have people disagreeing. Seems like there are a lot more know it alls now. I been in 20 years and I can still learn.  But I also know I know quite a bit. Like cables can enhance the sound and higher end well designed gear can truly be ear candy special.  Is this just on audio forums or the internet period. 


Psychoacoustics laboratory double blind test statistical research dont means that any perceived qualia in your living room is a deceptive illusion if you dont go for a double blind test ...

Think about the complete absurdity of such claims over the head of all hobbyist buying their gear and optimizing it mechanically, electrically and acoustically ...

Why in the world someone will take one week to patronize everyone about this double blind test ? They are not practical at all ..

How many changes i did encounter in the few years i takes to create my system room ?

Thousand changes with tuning of one hundred resonators ...

simple blind test are practical when needed and they were needed , but double blind test with switching box my a...s.. How to do this with room acoustic tuning ?

How to do this with mechanical damping tuning process ? How to do it with some devices used in electrical noise floor controls ...

I used simple some blind tests for my satisfaction ... According to scottwheel i am deceived and i deceive people not asking for double blind test for ANY SMALL INCREMENTAL CHANGE, among at least one thousand one in few years ..

Sometimes we makes a fool of ourself without being even conscious of what we ask for ...

Laboratory conditions research are not a home listener room ...

For the cables i bought they were low cost one and i modified all of them without double blind test to my audible satisfaction (deceived or not i did not feel the desire to buy costly one ) ...


Only a gullible revengeful owner of high end costly gear and cables can reverse his coat and now ask for double blind test or otherwise ask ourself to shut our mouth ... Comical as a three stooges movie ...

I am not gullible , never buy tweaks, nor costlier gear, i study basic acoustic, buy low cost gear and reach sonic heaven after few years without doubleblind test ...


“I am wondering, using your own testing criteria / and methodology, just how we would draw a valid conclusion about your Las Vegas system being SOTA ?”

I thought you guys don’t trust my “testing criteria” Don’t you guys trust your own ears? My invite did not come with any conditions about how anyone has to pass judgement. If Calvin or you or anyone else finds themselves in Las Vegas and wants to hear for themselves and judge by whatever criteria they want they are welcome to do so. 

On a side note, I’m not sure you have a very accurate and complete accounting of my criteria for judging audio. 

Slippery and very unscientific…. a peer would answer the question…. but i will help you…..

How are you going to decide your effort = SOTA ?

My criteria is mainly acoustic parameters and factors on which i can act as did your "friend" Edgar; not double blind test ...😊

I learned to trust and trained my ears enough to do a minimally satisfying job... You said yourself that you dont trust your own ears without double blind test ... Is it not comical ?

By the way i am pretty sure your system is minimally good at least, not because i trust the ears you did not trust yourself each side of your head , but because your own the set of filters of your "friend" Edgar ...


On a side note, I’m not sure you have a very accurate and complete accounting of my criteria for judging audio

Why on earth would I look up an interview on YouTube with a guy who is NOT Sean Olive or Floyd Toole when I can go straight to the source?

Paul Barton is of that source. Toole has worked with him from those early days and by now, should be back where the started which is where Barton lives (who’s looking forward to working with him again). They’ve never really been out of touch since the tests were conducted. If you took the time to listen to Barton, you’d know that Toole worked with him on speaker design parameters as well, helping to perfect the product. They were like two peas in a pod when it came to speakers.

That, and it’s not a YouTube video but a SoundCloud recording. What’s the matter, can’t you listen that long? Do you need pictures/video to keep your interest? Would what he said throw buckets of cold water on your position?

The Harmon Speaker Shuffler is located in Northridge, Ca., which looks to have been developed in the early 2000s. In 1966, Toole conducted his very first tests on speakers and listening and Barton joined him around 1974, in Canada.

What are you so afraid of?

All the best,