Should You Leave An External Power Supply On 24-7?

I had always left my Bluesound Node on 24/7. I have recently installed a Teddy Pardo external linear power supply on the Bluesound Node. Is it wise to turn off the power supply every night when I shut the system down, or should it be left on 24/7?

Your thoughts please.


Plixir Elite Balanced DC Linear Power Supplies do not have an on/off switch for sound quality reasons. There is a surprising quality jump when you add the Signature DC cable between the Linear Supply and the device as well. It all makes a difference.

On ,it keeps the capacitors charged up ,as well as last longer 

on and off is extra cycling and small surges. ,for they don’t use thermistors as a slow start up .

Same setup here on my secondary system. Easy answer, on 24/7 unless unused for multiple weeks. Both the Node and Pardo will benefit for it soundwise.

For what it's worth, Bluesound instructions noted to keep the Node on all the time as the power up cycles can increase wear and tear on components.

@dr-boop I didn’t know that, great info. TYVM  I have a BSN + LPS and leave them powered on all the time.  The combo draws very little current.  I've had no issues doing this.