Thanks scottwheel for saying what i know because i read and understood what Choueiri was speaking about ...
But i cannot say it the way you describe it because i never hear it and never own the BACCH system ...
Anybody with minimal acoustic knowledge know it if he read about it seriously ... It is the reason why i advocated for this "revolution" and not a gadget and why i ask to you to spoke about it to people here who confuse it with a toy for movie effect ...
In truth it is a revolution who rival the transition from mono to stereo ...
“I will only say that his solution is not perfect nothing is but it is not a gadget improvised between other patented solutions... It is a bit more interesting ...”
You won’t say it but I will, the BACCH SP offers a near perfect rendering of spatial cues. The limiting factor is the source material. It’s easy to demonstrate. You can literally record a voice or musical instrument anywhere in the listening space with the BACCH in ear microphones -and compare the spatial accuracy that recording to the original source in it’s actual position anywhere in the room. The positioning is the n distinguishable if the system and room are good enough. What more could anyone ask than near perfect spatial reproduction