Happy Holidays and Your Favorite Tips?

Yes, I'm being inclusive. 

What's your favorite tip to audiophiles?  Here is mine:


If you are using a subwoofer with ported main speakers, consider plugging the ports and raising the sub crossover.  Even if you don't have a subwoofer, sometimes plugging one or the other can really reduce bloat.  It's worth listening to it since it's cheap and non destructive (assuming you don't lose your sock in the port).


Start early morning

Go to bed late.

I too find sleeping to be the worst use of my time 


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Look both ways before crossing the street.

Never try to catch falling scissors.

I know you are right and give a wise tip...

I will try my best...For the sake of most...😁

Merry christmas and the best health possible...

My tip, learn to write economically when you post on audio forums.

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