Happy Holidays and Your Favorite Tips?

Yes, I'm being inclusive. 

What's your favorite tip to audiophiles?  Here is mine:


If you are using a subwoofer with ported main speakers, consider plugging the ports and raising the sub crossover.  Even if you don't have a subwoofer, sometimes plugging one or the other can really reduce bloat.  It's worth listening to it since it's cheap and non destructive (assuming you don't lose your sock in the port).


Remove the lid from the top of your tube preamplifier. Especially, if the tubes are not outside the chassis. 

Alexander Vertinsky wrote saddest songs all in minor key. They are more sad than bluest blues. 

@roxy54  Being a speaker builder, I can say that while no speaker is 100% ideal as both ported and sealed, it does let you tune the bass in very important ways, especially if you are using a sub. 

You don't have 100% the control that a speaker builder does, who would know that an optimally flat ported speaker has more volume than an optimally flat sealed speaker, but given room boundary reinforcements, the ultimate judge of which is best can be you.

Fav tips?  *S*....
- Tri-tip beef....but good luck if I'm in the market prior to you....;)
- SOTA ought to be thought of 'Your Version of....' , keeping in mind, ears, and heart that 'This is what 'It Is at present.'  There will always be a 'better' in the opinion of others; your call is just as significant, and there's no law, rule, or regulation otherwise.
- Cut some 'slack' early and often. A 'light touch' can achieve, whereas 'hammers' often typically are 'single-stroke', 'one & done (for)'....

- (On a personal note:  Having GF @mahgister infer to another poster that @yoursunruly can create knots in ones' brain with my ragged references, inferences, and general grammatic garble sets a high bar that may be too far...but, on the other plan...it allows to perhaps loosen the ones' that I have in the process...

Hey....a challenge by any other name....and I'd rather be infamous than famous, anyway....*L* ;).... )

Pre-Toast to '24, y'all, J