Do I Need a Dedicated Streamer?

Hello everyone,

As the title states, I am still unsure of if I need a dedicated streamer and if it would increase the fidelity of my music compared to how I am listening at the moment. Which is using AirPlay 2 from my iPhone to my Hegel H590 Integrated amp.


I know that the DAC in the Hegel H590 is considered quite good and it was one of the reasons that I bought the amplifier to begin with. However, would I get a better input using a dedicated streamer for around $1000 (such as the Cambridge CXNV2 for example) or would I be better off leaving things as is?

I am just not sure if airplaying music to the Hegel is degrading the signal in comparison to a streamer that would pull its own data and send it directly to the amplifier? Also, would improving my router placement and wifi signal make any difference to the sound since my Hegel is hardwired using a mesh wifi system?


I am open to switching streaming platforms if I can gain something out of it such as resolution but I’m not sure if apple music is the issue in any of this.


If the answer to the title is a no. I am curious what I would need to take the quality of my listening experience to the next level or where money would be better spent to achieve that. I do have acoustic panels in my room and have done my fair share of research on speaker placement already.


The only thing that I have been considering in the near-future would have to be the isoacoustics gaia 1 feet.


My equipment:

Hegel H590 Integrated

KEF Reference 5 Meta

Metra Velox Speaker Cables


Thanks for reading.


@rick_n +1

I didn’t do my homework and realize he already has streaming capability. Follow ricks advice for a no cost way to trial a better streamer. I expect you will like the results, then you can dive down the rabbit hole. 

You might consider purchasing a used Innuos Pulse Mini if you can find one under $1k. From my experience, it sounds better than the temporarily owned DMP-A6.  However, you might need to invest in a Linear Power Supply on top of it.



The CA player you mention offers both Chromecast and AirPlay.  Chromecast sounds better than AirPlay but works best with and Android device 

One other absolutely free way to stream with h590 is mconnect. 
Streamer not required. 

Mconnect with Hegel

In case y'all didn't know, all streamers are essentially  SBC computers ( modded gaming itx boards, hidden away, etc). It looks to me like some of you boys are getting robbed dropping 10k, 20k, etc on such streamers by vultures taking advantage of your pc hardware/software knowledge gaps.

- Any dac worth its salt should have a ASIO optimized driver for your PC. Install it and ENABLE ASIO, for starters! 

- Improve the overall power and ethernet infrastructure for all your components, i.e., dedicated power line, power filter, ethernet filter, jitterbug, etc..or build a audio optimized PC from scratch.

After you do such things, I'll eat my hat if you heard any "improvements" from a vulture priced streamer over audio optimized PC infrastructure.

A PC will also give full flexibility for all kinds of software tweaks, etc. You won't be locked in with some crappy glitchy software on some thieving vulture's 20k "streamer".