"The Mystery Of Sound Is Mysticism"


? What the____ brought that on. Sound is not a mystery. The physics of sound are well documented. There is little if any mysticism in music. It is an extraordinarily structured construct. The only mystery I know of is why humans are universally fond of music. What in nature made it so advantageous for us to like music? 

Sound is not a mystery.

Sound stay a mystery in spite of all derived technology we enjoy...

No universal hearing theory exist for the time being...

And there is many deep problems bordering on mysteries with sound...

And we are as a body a mass of vibrating waters and electrical vibrations across a huge range of Hertz scale ...


The only mystery I know of is why humans are universally fond of music. What in nature made it so advantageous for us to like music?

The real mystery is not our love for music by the way ...

Not surprizing at all that we love music , and the question what is it in nature that makes us so much loving music is simple : our own resonating body on all scale of vibrations with the cosmos ... Our brain is an orchestra but the maestro and composer is not in it ...We learn how to learn by synchronizing our internal rythms with the cosmos rythms ...this process is described well by a genius in India working with Penrose and Hameroff but developing his own ideas,

read this dude books :

It is the more accessible one of the three main books in pure mathematics i know about this mystery :


The mathematical basis of our self learning process is known already... It is the distribution of prime numbers whih is the GROUND but this distribution is a deep mystery the deepest one in mathematics and related also to music ( see Alain Connes the music of shapes on youtube ) ..



By the way Bolong is right ...😊 And this youtube video is exactly right on all counts...I already seen it and put it in one of my thread so true it was..😊



By the way all surhuman great mathematicians in history , not our regular professors, are spiritual and mystic ... It is easy to demonstrate ... But it will take a long post ...

Mathematics is more musical than logical... In fact there is no logic in mathematic... We use logic as a means to taught mathematic in a linear way and in function of our actual state of knowledge ... Pure beauty and pure truth is musical not logical, it exceed logic as the ocean poured in a glass of water overflow all bounds of the glass ...




As said the great mathematician Alexander Grothendieck, also a poet : «Nothing really important can be proved ». this sentence this maxim was aimed not only for mathematics but for anything in life ...

The second greatest mathematician of the century perhaps , Cantor , wrote that « the essence of Mathematics is pure freedom and creativity »..

Now take these two sentences together to understand what they means together...

They means that in mathematics as in life some deep problem cannot be solved in the past paradigm, as the parallell postulate , or the question of the actual infinite, for example , we must not trying to solve the problem with a demonstration and a proof which are not possible anyway in these cases; in the opposite we must create first a new world to SHOW the hidden value of these problems as Cantor did , as Lobatchevsky or Bolyai did ...

It is no more a mere proof mechanism in a known world first but the heart feeling and the mind feeling about a new unknown world , a new conceptual scheme living as an organism in the spirit of any genius; then first and last more a perception than a logical proof ...

Then even in mathematics the feeling and the concepts play together , as in acoustic, and as in music understanding, or as in any human endeavor ...

Pure reactive subjective romantism or pure objective materialism are blind alleys, the spiritual takes over the body and the heart together ... As illustrated by Goethe or William Blake in very different ways ...


We cannot prove God exist or anything of real value as love or Beauty, or musical or   the depest mathematical truth; but we can create a world for us together where these mysteries can and will be perceived ...


«Any fact need a world where it is possible for it to exist»-- Anonymus Sherlock Holmes reader 🕵️‍♀️

«All trees dont grow above sand»-- Anonymus botanist

Mijostyn you are so desperately trivial and predictive...😁

Nevermind our opinions it is better to motivate people than always claiming  especially when it is false : "it is only that" ...




What in nature made it so advantageous for us to like music?

The advantage is social and spiritual... As social animal we must decode speech and the associated "music" to synchonize individuals and the group...Human produces sound and music not only with the mouth but with all the body and dancing and playing members of the body physical and social ...

And Spiritually it is advantageous to like music and learn it because it is a deep way to know ourself as individual and member of a group and finally part of humanity and at the end participant of the cosmos ...