Musical subwoofer under $2000

I’m looking for advice on what vendors to look at as l’d really like to add a subwoofer to my 2 channel setup. The room is c. 30x15 feet or 42 square meters with low ceiling of about 7.5 feet or 2.2 meters. Budget is c.$2,000 and my 2 channel speakers are Sonus Faber Sonetto VIII. My amp offers pre-out connection. I’d like REL but their S range is now too expensive, so something close in musicality would be great. 


Thanks for the topic sparksgja

Following my own advice (see topic "Happy Holidays and Your Favorite Tips?) ... I consulted with a long time subwoofer builder who has great passion around the topic, also others having formidable experience.  I was guided to a Rythmic Direct Servo sealed L12 for my purist 2 channel small studio.  Still selling at a delivered price of $629, it integrates seamlessly with my super quick monitors, digs into the low 20's and abounds in musicality.  I found one well-placed sub superior to having two, in my system.  Money saved can be applied to bass traps.  Bonne chance. 

More Peace and Joy       Pin                 (bold print for old eyes)


I listen to classical organ, and orchestral music, and early rock. I don’t understand why REL is so expensive for what you get. Examples; T9x is -6db at 27 hz., 1500 US. Classic 98 is 1400 US with identical response figures. The S/510 is down -6db at 20 hz. Now we’re starting to plumb the depths, but 2500 US ? They’re pretty, but way too expensive for what I call an honest subwoofer. 

+1 @yyzsantabarbara 

The KC62 was recommended to me for its speed or ability to keep up with my main speakers.  It’s the only sub I’ve tried, and I am very satisfied with it.

Subjectively, I like the KC 62’s size and industrial design.  And, while I couldn’t say so based on direct experience, others who have vast subwoofer experience and expertise have posted that small rooms do very well with small subs for 2C listening.  To be clear, I’m declaring my room small, not the OP’s.

Not sure if it’s been said, but SVS has a model that competes with the KC62 for less money.  John Darko compared them to each other on YT.  

Good luck