Cheaper streamers buffer. Higher end streamers cache. Some higher end streamers buffer but use a healthy buffer area and processing to ensure the data is clean.
What streamer are you using, @audphile1 ? What streaming service are you using that "isn’t fast enough for streaming so error checking goes out the window, replaced by ’error correction’ meaning that if a bit is dropped, some value between the 2 adjoining bits is chosen (interpolation) "?
You can fiddle with power supplies on your streamer all you want, but you’re likely to get much greater improvement by looking at your streaming service and cleaning up whatever network problems are contributing to your dropped bits.
Meanwhile, I think @mathiasmingus made a great choice in the Bryston BDP-3. I dumped an Aurender for the Bryston and have never been happier. Yes, the interface is crude and some people just can't get passed that. But it's a terrific streamer.