"The Mystery Of Sound Is Mysticism"


My ego is way too big to humble himself most of the times ...And only truth humble me, not daily trivial matter as my ignorance ... 😊

I really do not know him ...

I dont know much in jazz and in soul and blues etc ...

I will listen to him...But singing poetry in english is difficult to understand for me ...I used to read simplistic syntax with no metaphors...Philosophical or scientific english... All thinkers dont write english as the spanish Santayana ...😁

I love Bob Dylan but i miss half of his tropes and allusions ...I read Whitman and Dickinson in bilingual text ... 😁

I wish you a very lucky year ... It is coming , christmas will pass in 28 minutes here ...

You, as always humble yourself. You know who Smokey Robison is. He is a Motown (out of Detroit, Michigan USA) recording artist!

Music is the one incorporeal entrance into the higher world of knowledge which comprehends mankind but which mankind cannot comprehend.

Ludwig van Beethoven

Or to put it another way - everyone both fears and longs for the levee to break.


It's the utter lack of mysticism that makes music special for me. It's real, it's right there, and unlike religious nonsense that leads to separations of cultures and endless violence, it does actual good. To say that society is based on love and understanding is to ignore what is actually happened over the ages...society is based mostly on greed, ignorance, exploitation of the weak, and polka music (although I kinda like Klezmer after working with the Klezmatics once). Keep your pseudo mystical baloney to yourself and give me some jazz. I mean some jazz, man.

It’s the utter lack of mysticism that makes music special for me. It’s real, it’s right there, and unlike religious nonsense that leads to separations of cultures and endless violence, it does actual good.


Perhaps you must add to your lexicon a new concept based on consciousness experience , "spirituality", and keep the word "religions" for what it is : a social cultural phenomenon ... Lao Tse is not taoism , Buddha is not buddhism, Jesus is not Christianity , A map is not a territory...Especially highly distorted maps...


To say that society is based on love and understanding is to ignore what is actually happened over the ages...society is based mostly on greed, ignorance, exploitation of the weak, and polka music

Perceiving what phenomenon are really behind mere appearance is not being deluded...It is confusing some appearances with reality that is a sign of delusion ... See out and farthest than you nose instead of repeating common place facts as deep truths ...

We cannot perceive a new reality if we had not prepared ourself to perceive it first ..And if the times is not the right time ... It is call a "concept" ... Which concept is not only a mere abstraction but also a concrete new perspective and experience ... John Flamsteed do not perceive "a planet" called Uranus when he observed it long time before Herschel guess why ?


And dont repeat what Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab or some controller of the same ilk put in your brain for the sake of controlling all humans and abolishing freedom and all cultures because humans are all in there supposedly about fanaticism, greed , ignorance and exploitation .. Do you catch your own contradictions ?

To help you to understand cooperative communication role in Nature over the gross competitive interpretation of some Darwinist ideology about the fight for the fittest , i will suggest to read an article in the field of artificial intelligence about the way to design ecosystems of intelligence as put it by Karl Friston...Why ? Because Nature work at least as an intelligent cooperative ecological social entity not as a materialistic Victorian blind and deaf killing machine machine ...


Now if you read 3,000 pages book in his resumed version of 700 pages about the rise and fall of societies and the role of cooperation which is more powerful than the survival fight as such, by Pitirim Sorokin, you will have a glimpse of what we spoke about all which  escape your narrow window ...



And for music, i dont think you know much , because you seem to think of music as mere pleasant sound for you ... It is not...Music is through sounds but is not sounds pleasant to you ...It is not your hit parade ...

I will not go further...Too much space will be needed ...Suffice to say that all music of any kind is an emotional/body/mind/spirit experience ...All music resonate much at some level in yourself, and then the fact that you had never listen to a music that light the upper lantern of your mind "on" does not mean that this level does not exist ...

Feeling pleasure in hearing some music is not all there is about music ...Some music is a bit more than just a leisure goal distributed by corporations to make them happy when they go shopping ... Try the "art of the fugue" and think about what this work means ...Try the same after that with an Indian raga.... Then buy traditional Yoruba speaking drums and think about it ...After all that explain to yourself and others what is music and the relation between these three styles of consciousness experience and how they reflect in sound something with is not sound and is called a consciousness perceiving experience of different qualities and states...


«You cannot light a lampost by lighting it with another lantern»--Groucho Marx 🤓

«I dont share my light»--Anonymus lampost