I have had tube gear for over 4 decades and now feel good solid stste amps
can do more much depends to on your speakers efficiency
SS amps much better defined and for sure slam in the Bass .
much depends on your budget ,Coda 8 amp , which were Engineer's with Nelson Pass, or Pass Labs , Gryphon, Aavik,Ayre Boulder ,and many others,
many too use a quality Tube preamp with SS gear that is the most popular combo many Loudspeakers need ample current to get them singing .
then the tubes and quality of most power tubes from China and Russia leave a lot to be desired from when I grew up in the early 70-80s now even small quality NOS tubes are very expensive and hard to get with goodSS gear the key is the quality of your digital setup , for a great example the T+A 200 dac+ descreet class A preamp is a excellent combo can be bought under $7k new and is next on my list
exceptional performance ,the digital alone meets or exceeds dacs at $15k
do some research and see reviews on you tube your sourse dictates how your music sounds from the start ,like a turntable. No weak links in the chain quality
power cords ,Cables ,Ethernet hum ,and streamer $12-14k total is a solid average
which too is on par to a respectable turntable , with much more flexibility
and sonically superior in several areas and library at your disposal on Tidal,QObuz.