Did I damage my new amp

So, as posted elsewhere, I bought new Monitor Audio Gold 300 speakers which I am still waiting to receive. I was impressed by the Arcam SA30 during the audition so I brought one home to pair with the speakers whenever I get them. In the meantime I am using my 20 year old MA Silver S8’s

Being new to streaming it took some playing around before I figured everything out. But one big mistake was not understanding that the volume on my iPhone also effects the amp volume.

Long story short, I managed to crank the volume on the amp to 100% for a few seconds before I understood what was happening, and got it turned down. ( I found the max. volume setting after the fact)

Since then I find my speakers a bit distorted. Now, I don’t know if they sounded like that with the old amp. Am I just over analysing things, paying TOO much attention to details as it’s a new amp and I’m listening too hard for an improvement, or I damaged the speakers or the amp. It sounds fine with jazz but something more in the progressive rock style and it sounds distorted.

I would like to think that if the amp was in danger it would shut itself down before anything would get damaged. And it was really only a few seconds. I probably will not see my new speakers until next week so I can’t compare with anything and this is got me totally depressed thinking it’s the amp.

What do you all think?



I hope you sort this out. But here’s one little tip for you. If your streaming involves using the volume control on your phone, you aren’t doing it right.

which brings me to a side question. 
Is there a way to have the iPhone or iPad volume to NOT move when adjusting the actual amp dial or remote? I should think the phone/pad should remain at the middle or lower and adjust the amp?

Not to derail my own thread though.

If you are using an app like Lumin, Sense or some other streamer app, you can fix the volume. What are you using to stream?

The Focals are in place. My wife is still sleeping so I can’t play at a decent volume yet.

But I should have thought of this yesterday. I plugged in my headphones and I think it sounds ok. You know how it is now, my mind will be messing me up for days thinking I’m hearing or not hearing all sorts of stuff.

If you are using an app like Lumin, Sense or some other streamer app, you can fix the volume. What are you using to stream?

Just my iPhone or iPad and the Arcam

So…😔 after all that I might have to recant. 
I’ve spent the last few hours a/b ing the Focal’s and my old MA’s. I can’t hear what I thought I heard last night.

Maybe my ears were too tired? Maybe I just hit run of a few poorly recorded songs? I don’t know but they sound fine today. I have no other explanation.

One thing the direct comparison revealed, I don’t think the Focal’s sound as good as the MA Silver’s. That was a bit of a surprise.