At this point, step by step diagnosis is possible. Any diagnosis/repair: Step by step, change only 1 thing at a time.
a. amp damaged?
tv speakers will reveal that. nearly everyone doubt’s that, you will know when you hook up the tv speakers.
b. one MA speaker? or both MA speakers? if amp ok.
Hook up one MA, one tv speaker: noise from that MA speaker? switch sides, noise from other MA speaker, i.e. one side or both sides?.
Now you know which speaker(s) are problematic
c. Fix MA’s to sell: determine the problem(s), decide if fix? Hifishark: they are worth decent $ if working.
Monitor Audio is still in business, they can help, some diagnosis first.
c1. might be only single driver (typically tweeter).
c2. might be crossover part(s)
c3. might be both.
d. both MA speakers, or only one (hopefully only one).
d1. grilles off, low but enough volume: listen carefully to each of the 4 drivers, both L & R; as well as feel the vibration of the lower three.
feel tweeter movement IF you can, sometimes not feel them moving but working, properly or damaged, or not.
e. IF from only one side (good news), you can move good drivers from good side to the problematic side. ONE AT A TIME.
e1. after driver move: no noise: driver only.
e2. find original, OR substitute drivers can easily be found and replaced
f. noise persists: crossover part(s) damaged
Time to get Monitor Audio involved
f1. Personally, I would stop, make some notes, deal with crossover(s) now or later. Or never. Depends on your or a friend’s skills.
f2. Where Crossover? (To Know what is involved). Monitor Audio tells you, IF they don’t:
remove bottom or two bottom drivers, find crossover location, and IF crossover parts all in one place, or some hither, others thither. AND, are crossover parts on a board that can be removed, fixed, replaced? Or, some are parts glued to the inside surface(s).
f3. IF all on one removable board, you could mark/cut wires to drivers, and send only the crossover board to Monitor Audio, or another party to repair/upgrade.
f4. One removable Board or Scattered Parts
I just restored another pair of AR-2ax’s. Single board, removable. Out, fix, back in, easy.
JSE Model 2’s, bunch of parts hot glued hither and thither, PITA.
good luck, hope it’s fairly easy to fix.