Hildegard of Bingen and Teresa of Avila two of the greatest mystic in European history were so grounded and pragmatic character as much as knowleageable that kings and men of knowledge consulted these two women who organize the practical life of convents on all aspects of life and was anything save deluded dreamers...
Read a book about them Mijostyn ...
Hildegard was a scientist and a doctor and a musical genius self taught ...
I dont know mystic who are not grounded in concrete reality ...
But i know accountant philistine who conflate their book with reality ...đ
One of the greatest mystic who is also one of the greatest scientist of his time is Emmanual Swedenborg , who discovered the Cerebral cortex, and he even imagine fractals before Mandelbrot ...He advised the Swedish Queen on all scientific matter , do you think he was deluded ? He was called because of his inventions , the Leonardo Da Vinci of the North... Dr. Suzuki call him the Buddha of the North ...
And what about Raimon Lull the creator of Cybernetic said Norbert Wiener speaking about the creation by Lull of the first combinatoric logic with retroactive input in history in the twelveth century ... He was one of the greatest poet and mystic to ever lived and a mind so deep that all the islam word listened to him ...he want to created a crusade of thinking not of swords ...
Only an ignorant can confuse mysticism with unrealistic immature minds ... And only ignorance can confuse spiritual experience with superstition ...