I am down to the last piece of the puzzle. I am very happy with the sound of my system at this point, so I’m not sure if the DAC needs to be improved on. What I am looking for is to hear those background subtleties in the music a little more pronounced. The strum of a guitar, the stroke of the piano keys, the clicks, ticks & tingles that accompany the music. I do here that now, I just wondered if there is a way to elaborate on those background sounds (details) a bit more.

Is it the DAC that will make this happen? If it is, they say my Gustard R26 is as good as a $5K DAC, how far over that $5K do you think I have to go?

Thank you for your help and suggestions and the best to you all over the holiday season and beyond!

PS: I listen mostly to Jazz


@magnuman Born in New Westminster and lived all over the lower Mailand during my time in Canada. 16 years ago I moved to WA state (dually) and have commuted to work in south Surrey since then on a daily basis.

@jetter Thank you, Lummi Bay part of the Salish Sea. Yes, I have heard of the Lokius and will give it further consideration. I have also seen the Zavfino power cable come up in an on-line search. I have some real tight spots to deal with and I think the longer than normal plug ends would hamper some of my equipment placement. But thank you for all your suggestions.

@audphile1  "So you weren’t down to last piece of the puzzle. Hehehe" LOL!

Did you upgrade your power cords on you Montis's as well?

Both coaxes arrived a couple hours ago. Figured I would start with the Odin 2 Gold to compliment my ICs and speaker cables

All I did was treat the connectors with Mad Science Audio Graphene Contact Enhancer. Both will take a few days to be at their best, but already it's an amazing improvement on literally all aspects of the music; depth, width, height, and bass

First CD is Jennifer Nettles Playin With Fire, a bright sounding CD in my system: Well not anymore. After playing it, I put on my XLO Burn in Disc and came downstairs to report



I would check out Ferrum Wandla DAC. $3K I think. Awesome reviews. No experience personally, but if I was in the market for a DAC under $5K, I would try it.


@navyachts I tried Audience Forte F3 power cables on the Montis and there was a slight improvement. I didn’t bother buying better cables though as I’ve made up my mind on a speaker upgrade. I did like the Montis though, they were nice. Your 13A are newer and a lot better as far as bass integration with the panels and overall sound quality. You’re on the right path with your upgrade strategy.