Subwoofer recommendation for jazz and rock

I've got a simply setup with a pair of Sonus Faber Concertinos, and a Musical Fidelity A3.2 amp. Source is CD or my Thorens turntable.

I find that I have trouble hearing the bass parts in jazz trios, and that rock can use more... energy. What is a good recommendation for a sub, in keeping with the modesty of the rest of the system?

I'm interested in the REL, especially the T-0. Would this integrate well? Also, below is a photo of the rear of my amp- how can I connect a subwoofer?

I used a Rel T2 for a while and found it fairly easy to integrate. I also used the hookup method described by Wolf_garcia, worked well.
My only complaint with the T2 was it did not have an auto-on feature.
My room is repurposed smallish dining room (open to a few sides, but I really just need the music close to the system).

Thanks for the advice, I'll be looking into REL and the Vandersteen mentioned earlier. I think my bass needs are pretty meager, and want to err on the side of too-little rather than too much.

thanks again.
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